Shared World Anthologies by Joy V Smith

With a shared world, your ideas are handed to you on a plate, more or less. When I was invited to join the Magistria (fantasy) series, I knew it was a world of sorcerers, which began with a goddess/star exploding into a multitude of pieces which scattered everywhere... The editor had a list of sorcerer types, and I picked plants. Yes! A plant mage!! I've written stories with sentient and genetically engineered plants. I love them! My first story--for Magistria: Realm of the Sorcerer--was Seedlings (plants and children). My second story--for Magistria: Shards of the Goddess--was Crystal Quest, which built on the first story.
For another shared world anthology, Tales from the Big Black (SF), again I had the background with all of space to work i

Joy V. Smith has been writing stories since she was a kid. Her stories have been published in print magazines, webzines, and anthologies; and her SF has been published in two audiobooks, including Sugar Time. Her recent non-fiction includes her book, Building a Cool House for Hot Times without Scorching the Pocketbook and an interview with Lyn McConchie. She lives in Florida on a registered backyard wildlife habitat with Xena the Warrior Puppy.
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