Slave to Sensation - Nalini Singh

Inspired though it was, our project (I’d convinced a classmate to be my partner) didn’t achieve any kind of place in the science fair. However my fascination with psychic abilities didn’t go away despite the teachers’ distinct lack of enthusiasm. The interest was always there, simmering away at the back of my mind.
And then one day early in February of 2005, it was as if I’d spent enough time thinking it over. Or maybe it was something else that triggered things. All I know is that the idea that came to me was full-blown. And it was deceptively simple: What if the flip side of incredible psychic power was insanity of the worst kind, the kind that drove you to murder?
That nightmarish question was the beginning of Lucas and Sascha’s story, and it’s a question that continues to capture my imagination. Do you think you’d be willing to give up your emotions (as the Psy race does) in order to wield incredible mental powers? Is it a trade worth making?
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